Ultimate Guide to Finance Guest Post 2024

Here is your ultimate guide to finance guest posts!

Where to submit a personal finance guest post is something that many of us personal finance bloggers have in mind. I have done a lot of research into guest posting on personal finance blogs. I thought it might be helpful to share with you the results of my research, just in case you are thinking about submitting guest posts as well.

What is guest posting?

Simply put, guest posting means that you write and publish an article on someone else’s website or blog.

Advantages to guest post on personal finance blogs

  • You can reach a wider audience.
    • If you have a great idea that you want to share with the rest of the world, leveraging another site can definitely help you speed up the process.
  • Guest posting is great for search engines.
    • The sites typically allow you (and if they don’t, you really should insist) to include at least one link (called “backlink”) back to your own website or blog, whether it is in the body of the article, or in the author bio.
    • Having backlinks allow your site to be more easily searchable in search engines such as Google.
  • Guest posting enables you to connect with other bloggers/site owners.
    • Bloggers are constantly looking for fresh ideas and new articles. By guest posting, you are helping your target sites drive traffic.
    • The fact that the blog/site is happy to accept your guest post means that you share something in common. This is a great step towards establishing relationships and friendships.

Disadvantages to guest post on personal finance blogs

  • The sites may or may not offer monetary compensations.
    • In fact, through my research, I find the majority of them do not.
  • Some sites may actually require you to pay to get your post published, as they consider guest posting a type of advertising.
  • You may write a lengthy article, only to receive a rejection, or to not hear back from the site owner at all
    • I recommend that instead of writing a full article, you provide an outline of your idea to gauge interest first.
    • If you have the urge to write the full-length article (something that I personally experience if I am very passionate about a certain topic), then write it anyway. Worst case scenario, you have a valuable piece for your own blog!
    • As for getting rejections or not hearing back at all, well, this is just a natural part of the process. Embrace every rejection as view it as a motivation to find the next place.

I personally believe that guest posting is a valuable way to build relationships with like-minded bloggers and build traffic to your site. Through my research, I have come across the following blogs and have identified their guest post policies.

No time to write guest posts yourself? You may want to outsource the task to a freelancer. If so, I recommend that you search on sites like Fiverr. Many of my fellow entrepreneurs use the freelancers on this platform, and have been happy with the quality of the service. Check out Fiverr here!

Personal finance blogs that may accept your guest post

These blogs clearly indicate on their websites that they accept guest posts. Additionally, these blogs are currently active, meaning that there has been at least one post in the last six months. For each blog below, I am including a brief description of their site, a few pointers, and the link to its guest post page.

1. Eric Bundy

  • Of course I have to include my own! I am a passionate personal finance writer hoping to share my learnings with the rest of the world.
  • The submission page is here.

2. Cash Money Life

  • This is a blog run by Ryan Guina. It is “a personal finance, small business, and career journal, with daily articles about a myriad of financial, small business, and career topics, timeless tutorials, current events, product reviews, and more”. 
  • The blog does accept guest posts, but they limit the guest posts to people they already have an established personal or business relationship with.
  • The link to the submission page is here.

3. Casual Money Talk

  • This is a blog run by Flora Pang, who loves to “talk about personal finance with just about anyone, whether they like it or not”.
  • The blog’s motto is: inspiring financial confidence in people, one non-judgmental advice, one relatable story at a time. 
  • The link to the submission page is here.

4. Money After Graduation

  • Money After Graduation is a “financial literacy website dedicated to help you pay off debt, save money, increase your income, and invest in the stock market.” It was founded by Bridget Casey.
  • The link to the submission page is here.

5. Money Saving Mom

  • This is a blog run by Crystal Paine. She focuses on “Intentional Finance. Intentional Family. Intentional Business.”
  • The link to the submission page is here.

6. My Personal Finance Journey

  • This is a blog run by Jacob Irwin. He loves “empowering regular, non-finance professional folks to take control of their own money through education”
  • Other than sharing his passion of personal finance with the world, he also seems to have an impressive background in biomedical/chemical engineering.
  • The link to the submission page is here.

7. PROFinance Blog

  • This is a blog run by Tina Roth. She believes that “a pro-active approach towards your financial life is extremely important”.
  • She “loves to read, write, travel, and try new things in life”, and she enjoys yoga and trekking in the woods.
  • The link to the submission page is here.

8. Swift Salary

  • This is a blog run Dylan Houlihan. He is on a mission to “help you solve your money problems so that you can start enjoying life again.”
  • The link to the submission page is here.

9. The Wisdom Journal

  • This is a blog run by Ron Haynes and Mike Wallace. They started the blog hoping to “generate discussion about what we believe are three very important areas”, which include the following:
    • Personal financial management.
    • Achieving and maintaining a great relationship with your spouse and children.
    • How to succeed in your occupation, whether as an employee or an entrepreneur
  • The link to the submission page is here.

10. Thirty Six Months

  • This is a blog run by Marissa. She is “a Managing Director of a consulting firm, real estate investor, traveller, and marketer, Co-Founder of Spark Sessions“. Spark Sessions is a Fashion and Beauty Blogger Conference.
  • The link to the submission page is here.

11. Women Who Money

  • This is a site created to “provide trustworthy personal finance information for women”. The co-founders are Amy Blacklock and Vicki Cook.
  • The link to the submission page is here.

12. Wise Bread

  • Wise Bread is a community of bloggers here to help you live large on a small budget. It was founded by Will Chen, Lynn Truong, and Greg Go.
  • In order to apply to write for Wise Bread, you must provide three sample posts of at least 500 words, and five concrete and specific ideas for future post.
  • The submission page is here.

13. Money Crashers

  • Money Crashers’ mission is to “develop a community of people who try to make financially sound decisions. The website strives to educate individuals in making wise choices about credit and debt, investing, education, real estate, insurance, spending, and more.”
  • They require that contributors be able to write “longer, comprehensive articles (3,000+ words each)”.
  • The link to the submission page is here.

14. Compounding Interest

  • The site is run by Jon Dulin. Jon’s goal for Compounding Pennies is to help you improve your finances through the experiences with money that I have had as well as others.
  • The submission page is here.

15. A Dime Saved

  • This site is run by Robyn. She is a millennial mom with a passion for personal finance. She has an MBA and has been studying Personal Finance on her own for as long as she can remember.
  • The submission page is here.

16. Money Mentor

  • Money Mentor firmly believes that everybody, and most especially the younger generation, should strive to attain a certain level of financial literacy and become fully equipped with the skills, knowledge, and ability, to understand all things money related and how the financial system works in the real world.
  • The submission page is here.

17. Radical FIRE

  • The site is run by Marjolein. She is a personal finance nerd that has built up over €200 monthly extra income and saves over 70% of her income.
  • The submission page is here.

18. Parent Portfolio

  • Jacqueline & Jonathan are real estate investors, personal finance bloggers, and parents to two lively kids. 
  • You can contact them here.

19. Cash for Kat

  • Kathryn is a 24-year-old personal finance blogger that is currently based out of Cambodia.
  • You can contact her here.

20. Average Joe Finances

  • Mike started Average Joe Finances to share his journey in building wealth and help others do the same.
  • You can contact him here.

21. Another Loonie

  • The blogger behind Another Loonie loves to share budgets, investments, net worth updates, and more saucy money-related matters with the readers!
  • The submission page is here.

22. The Frugalist

  • John’s goals are to live within his means and to avoid lifestyle inflation, try to make the right choices and consider the impact of the environment, and to put his money to work so that I no longer have to depend on a job to sustain himself and my family.
  • You can contact him here.

23. Money Mountain Goat

  • The Money Mountain Goat is on the road to financial independence and loves all things adventurous
  • The submission page is here.

24. Fang Wallet

  • FangWallet is a personal finance community-driven blog.
  • The submission page is here.

25. Melvyn Mangion

  • Melvyn Mangion is an experienced entrepreneur and investor. His activity takes place mainly in the international arena, whilst being based in Malta.
  • The submission page is here.

Personal finance blogs that may accept your guest post with a fee

The blogs listed below also accept guest posts, but they do charge you. The rates vary, but they typically start at $100 per article. Depending on your ability to invest, they may be worthwhile for you to try.

  1. All Things Finance: AllThingsFinance.net
  2. Beating Broke: BeatingBroke.com
  3. Blogging Away Debt: BloggingAwayDebt.com
  4. Blonde and Balanced: BlondeAndBalanced.com
  5. Budget and Invest: BudgetandInvest.com
  6. Budget and the Bees: BudgetandtheBees.com
  7. Clever Dude: CleverDude.com
  8. Counting My Pennies: CountingMyPennies.com
  9. Critical Financial: CriticalFinancial.com
  10. Dinks Finance: DinksFinance.com
  11. Engineer Your Finances: EngineerYourFinances.com
  12. Everybody Loves Your Money: EverybodyLovesYourMoney.com
  13. Financial Hack: FinancialHack.com
  14. Fine Tuned Finances: FineTunedFinances.com
  15. From Frugal to Free: FromFrugalToFree.com
  16. Frugal Gardening: FrugalGardening.com
  17. Grocery Coupon Guide: GroceryCouponGuide.com
  18. Kids Ain’t Cheap: KidsAintCheap.com
  19. More than Finances: MoreThanFinances.com
  20. Newly Wed on a Budget: NewlyWedsonaBudget.com
  21. One Cent at a Time: OneCentAtaTime.com
  22. Our Debt Free Family: OurDebtFreeFamily.com
  23. Outlier Model: OutlierModel.com
  24. Personal Finance Advice: PFadvice.com
  25. Plunged in Debt: PlungedinDebt.com
  26. Prairie Eco-Thrifter: Prairieecothrifter.com
  27. Saving advice: SavingAdvice.com
  28. Stapler Confessions: StaplerConfessions.com
  29. Suburban Finance: SuburbanFinance.com
  30. Sustainable Personal Finance: SustainablePersonalFinance.com
  31. Ten Factorial Rocks: TenFactorialRocks.com
  32. The Free Financial Adivsor: TheFreeFinancialAdvisor.com
  33. The Frugalpreneur: TheFrugalPreneur.com
  34. Thousandaire: Thousandaire.com

Personal finance blogs that do not accept any guest posts

These bloggers have clearly stated on their sites that they do not accept unsolicited guest posts. With that said, these blogs still have a wealth of personal finance resources. I have included their websites down below just in case you are interested in learning about them. Most of these sites are well-established, so even if you can’t guest post, you can still learn a lot from browsing the content.

  1. Cait Flanders: caitflanders.com
  2. Free from Broke: freefrombroke.com
  3. Get Rich Slowly: www.getrichslowly.org
  4. Jessica Moorhouse: jessicamoorhouse.com
  5. Savvy New Canadians: www.savvynewcanadians.com
  6. Seed Time: seedtime.com
  7. Tackling Our Debt: tacklingourdebt.com
  8. Best Wallet Hacks: wallethacks.com

Personal finance guest post etiquettes

Before you submit

  • I recommend that before you submit a guest post, check out your target blog’s website first to understand what the blog is about.
  • You may want to go one step further and share or comment on some of their posts first
  • Read and follow their guest post policies. If the blog wants you to submit a sample, submit a sample. If they only accept articles focusing on personal finance issues for parents, then make sure you tailor your article to that.
  • Make sure that you actually put in the effort in writing your inquiry email/message. You must show that you are genuinely interested in writing a post that meets the blog’s needs. Your message/email should also be grammatically correct.

After you submit the first inquiry

  • Be patient! They may not always reply right away.
  • If they don’t reply within one to two weeks, follow up at least once just in case your original message slipped through the cracks. But I’d advise against bombarding them with emails.
  • Always thank them, whether they accept your guest post or not.

If your guest post is accepted

  • If your target blog accepts your guest post, then congratulations! Make sure you thank them.
  • Make sure you also promote your guest post on all your social media platforms. Help me help you!
  • Do not publish the guest post somewhere else (including your own blog) unless all parties involved agree. Most blogs look for original contents.
  • You may want to try cross-posting, meaning that you write a guest post on their site, and they write one on yours. Experiment with it!

Check out the blogging tools I use!

  • NameSilo: One of the most economical registrar and hosting companies out there. I stumbled upon this company and have been very happy with the service. It is my current registrar. Use promo code “ericbundy” at check out to get a special discount! Sign up for NameSilo here. 
  • SiteGround: This is my current hosting company. It is more expensive than Bluehost, but I like it for its SiteGround optimizer plugin, the free email accounts, and the better speed with my site. Sign up for SiteGround here. 
  • Ezoic: This is the ad network I have joined. It pays quite a bit better than Google AdSense. If you have over 5,000 pageviews a month, you should definitely consider applying for it! Sign up for ezoic here.
  • Bluehost: Perfect for beginners who want to upgrade from a free platform (so you can start monetizing) but who also want to minimize spending. Check out my Bluehost review to see why I chose it as my first hosting company. Sign up for Bluehost here. 

I hope the advice above can save you some time as you try to expand your readership through guest posting. I will be constantly updating this post as I come across new personal finance blogs. Please send me an email at [email protected] if you know any additional ones that should be on the lists. Thanks a lot!

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