Sponsored Posts: Rules on How to Get It Right

The goal of most website owners is to grow their brands organically. However, many resort to sponsored posts to reach a bigger audience faster. However, for sponsored content to do well and produce great results, you must do it right the first.

Sponsored posts can increase your audience, revenue, and influence if you get them right. Otherwise, you may end up losing a lot of time and money. It may also hurt your brand. Are you considering using a sponsored content strategy to increase your brand’s reach? Do not fret. This article will discuss rules that can help you get great results out of sponsored content. But first things first.

An overview of sponsored posts

Sponsored content, or native advertising, is an online marketing technique where you work with influencers and media brands to produce original content related to your services or products. Also, you can pay social media platforms like Twitter to display your content on top of trending topics. The goal is to ensure the content reaches the target audience.

 You can opt to create the content yourself. Alternatively, you can use third parties to produce the content. Some of the items that you can sponsor online include: 

  • Videos
  • Blog posts
  • Podcasts 
  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Bylined articles 

Here are some rules to ensure your sponsored posts get excellent results

Know what you want to achieve

What is the goal of sponsoring your content? For instance, your aim could be: 

  • Generating leads
  • Enhancing awareness of your brand
  • Increasing your website traffic
  • Introducing and promoting new products

Once you set the goals, devise a yardstick to measure your success. This will help you evaluate the success of the sponsored content. Ensure you can choose the method that works best for your site. To be precise, if the Facebook-sponsored content has more conversions, you can put other platforms at bay.

Avoid overdoing it

As the adage goes, “too much of anything is poisonous.” You should be careful about the resources you spend on sponsored content. Sponsored content can hurt your brand if you overdo it. This happens mostly in the case during the initial stages when you do not know what works best for you. Some people get irritated when the same content or video is flashed on their faces whenever they visit a particular platform.

Be true and honest with your audience

With sponsored posts, it’s paramount, to be honest with your audience. Avoid misleading with unrealistic information. In addition, let it be clear that you are advertising a service or product. You don’t want your audience to feel deceived, as it can hurt the trust in your brand. 

Dishonesty on social media could also put you into trouble with the law. The FTC regulations require media outlets and social media influencers to exercise transparency.   

Know the people who visit your site

You should never launch any campaign before you understand your audience’s persona and interests. The idea is to avoid producing irrelevant content for your audience. Take time to understand your audience well. Some of the attributes you should know are listed below. 

  • Demographic (income, gender, age)
  • Lifestyle
  • Goals
  • Interests
  • Pain points
  • Desires
  • Occupation
  • Goals 

This information will help you know the platforms and media you should use for your sponsored posts. Basically, you should base your choice on your goals and audience. The more you align your sponsored content with your audience, the better it will be.

Make sure your sponsored posts add value

Having entertaining or interesting sponsored content is not enough. The content should provide value to your audience. To be precise, the content should be helpful and actionable. Think of something along the lines of a helpful video tutorial or how-to guide video. Having content that adds value can make people get interested in your brand. It can also enhance authority and trust as people will perceive you as an expert in the industry. 

Final thoughts

Take time to evaluate the result and success of each sponsored post. Did the content help you achieve your goals? Evaluate what could have contributed to missed targets and then take a new course in the future. Here is the good news. Valued Voice will help you get more sponsored post opportunities. Giving them a try wouldn’t hurt, would it?