Monthly Update – July 2020

Hello my dear readers! Today is the first day of August. This means that it is time for some self-reflection on what I have and have not accomplished in July 2020. Please see below for my Monthly Update – July 2020 edition.

Key milestones achieved

267 Twitter followers!!

As I said in my previous monthly update, my focus for this month is on social media. I have created accounts across all major social media platforms, including Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook (follow me if you haven’t!)

While it is nothing to brag about amongst all the bloggers with hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands followers, 267 is still a nice number to have. Last month I only had 5! To all of my followers, thank you so much for all your support!

Created a free resource for newsletter subscribers

This is on my to-do list last month. I am happy to announce that it is now available! Sign up here to get a FREE copy of my personal net worth and monthly expense tracker to up your money game, today!

First newsletter subscribers

I have actual people signing up for my newsletters now! Woohoo! This is incredible. Thank you all for your support, and I won’t let you down!

If you’d like to have my freshest contents delivered right to your inbox, sign up here! I promise you that I will only publish high-quality and thought-provoking contents.

Guest posts & mentions

I have two guest posts published this month. Feel free to check them out!

I was also extremely happy that my blog post, When Life Gives You Free Candy, Take It, was featured in the Personal Finance Blog‘s newsletter on July 17th. It drove some nice traffic to my blog. Thank you!

Additionally, I was also included in Wealthtender’s Finance Blog Startups to Watch in 2020, and Female Canadian Personal Finance Blogs from Handful of Thoughts.

Thank you so much, everybody!

Ranked within 350,000 on Alexa rank

I ended June at 820,075. In my last monthly blog update, I said that my short-term goal was to hit 500K, and then 200K.

Now standing at the beginning of August, I have already accomplished the first part. My Alexa rank is now 314, 289. I look forward to seeing what I can accomplish in the month of August!

Blog stats

Below are some basic blog stats. They are by no means impressive, but they motivate me to keep on making this blog better.

  • Twitter followers: +262
  • Pinterest followers: +76
  • Instagram followers: +15

My top 3 articles for the month

My top 3 blogs for the month

To dos for August

Continue improving my social media engagement

Now I have set up accounts across all social media platforms and have seen some initial traction, it is time to amplify it. My goal is to reach 500 followers on Twitter and 200 followers on Pinterest by the end of the month.

I have also met some incredible people who have provided advice and support on my journey. I am incredibly grateful for having the chance to meet all of you virtually online. A huge shout out to all of you. Thank you so much.

One interesting episode on Twitter was the #awesomebloggeraward thread that Kat from Cash for Kat introduced me to . It was quite a bit of fun to learn about and collaborate with other bloggers. To read my #awesomebloggeraward entry, please head to my post here!

Start putting more focus on key word searches

So far I have just been writing whatever I want to write about, and hoping what I am interested in is what my readers want to read as well. This month, I want to try reversing the process. Researching what readers want to read about, and then write.

Continue doing all I can to drive traffic

This remains unchanged. My goal is to drive as much traffic as possible to my site. I will continue writing quality content on a regular basis, doing guest posts, and freelancing for other websites. I do plan to slow down my guest post and focus on creating my own content.

Final words

I have done some good work in the month of July, but there is still a ton to do and a ton to learn. There is still a long way ahead, but with hard work and dedication, I will have something to show.

Thank you so much for all the people that have supported and inspired me. I am incredibly grateful.

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