Taxation Rules for Savings Vehicles

Taxation Rules for Savings Vehicles

Here is a post on the taxation rules for various common savings vehicles. Before we delve deep into taxation rules for earnings from savings, let’s start with some basic understanding of taxation on ordinary income. As I mentioned in TFSA 101, all sources of income above the basic personal amount is taxable. The most common … Read more

Credit Card Pros and Cons

Credit Card Pros and Cons

If you are interested in learning about the pros and cons of using a credit card, you have come to the right place. Knowing how to use a credit card is an important step towards financial literacy. What are credit cards? Credit cards are ubiquitous nowadays. What are credit cards? Simply put, credit cards are … Read more

Mortgage Tips to Help You Save Money

Mortgage Tips to Help You Save Money

Today, I’d like to share with you my understanding of the mortgage market and some specific tips on how to save money. Why do we need a mortgage Buying a house is probably one of the largest, if not THE largest, purchase, that you will make in your life. Unlike a burrito wrap or a … Read more

Credit Card Annual Fee Spreadsheet

Credit Card Annual Fee Spreadsheet

Here is a simple yet effective spreadsheet for personal finance. It will help you assess whether you should pay the annual fee on a credit card or not. For starters – free is the way to go There are a myriad of credit card options available for us out there. How do we find out … Read more

Painless Everyday Savings Tips

Painless Everyday Savings Tips

Would you be interested in learning some painless savings tips for everyday items? Well, this article has you covered. Why we trim There are many ways to save money. Some advocate for spending less by buying fewer lattes and avocado toasts, while others advocate for various financial diets such as a cash diet. These methods, … Read more

Millionaire Spreadsheet

Millionaire Spreadsheet

Would you like to know what it takes to be a millionaire? You can now use my simple spreadsheet to find out! This spreadsheet contains two calculators: one will show you at what age you will become a millionaire, and the other will show you the annual savings needed if you have a target millionaire … Read more